miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Have a good summer!

Yesterday, we had our last lesson of AICLE program .

Firstly, our students completed an evaluation form, because it's very interesting to know their points of view about this program, as well as they could reflect about their own effort and implication during this time.

It has been a long school year, with a difficult timetable, but the general evaluation was positive. The third term has been very short, and full of extra activities (as the French Exchange, where more than a half of the class took part). The most valuable item of their evaluations has been the experience of communicating with San Francisco's School. They loved working with computers and playing games, too. But they didn't like activities more similar to their ordinary classes, as exercises, listenings or theory in general.

Parents evaluation is quite similar, but they are grateful for the effort and the opportunity for their sons to take part of this program.

Later, we were talking about plans for summer in a big round robin. There are several trips to the beach, to London, Amsterdam,.. even Australia!

And finally, we had a light lunch prepared by me, because I've been hearing from them all the year that they were very hungry, so I decided to give them a surprise. Here there are some photos

Pleased to meet you and see you soon!

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Bye, bye, Town School

Hi everybody!

We are at the final countdown for the end of our programme.
Today's class, the students have been writing their final messages for their exchange partners: telling their impressions about the experience of the exchange, talking about their plans and projects for summer holidays, etc.. everything using computers and edmodo as means of communication, because we can't forget that technologies is a subject that help us to be connected to the rest of the world, the same that English in this case.
A half of the class were missing today because they are in France with another exchange in this case with French partners. It's fantastic to have all these opportunities during the school!!
Next week we'll be our last day, it will be time to balance this period
See you!!

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Classes after Easter

Hi everybody

we are at the end of the way!!
 Last two sessions after Easter have been dedicated to mechanisms, specially levers and pulleys.
After watching some videos, our students completed some questions about elements, and types of levers.
Last day they were practising with the law of lever, using units, quantities, calculations in English.
We use some very interesting materials you can find in this website
See you!

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014


On Tuesday the 8th of April  we played a game with the computer and some videos. Here you have the links of the videos:
What is a lever?

What is a pulley?

And here you have the photos of the day.

goodbye and enjoy these videos