martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Using Edmodo and Parts of the Computer

Hi everyone!!

A bit tired and a bit hungry, but we go on with our CLIL lessons despite the weather and the timetable.
Last week the students had to join a group created with a platform called EDMODO.
Most of all managed to do it, but today everybody has joined it.
Then, we've become familiarized with the most common words used in this platform (in English, of course!!!) like assignment, reply, notes, alerts... They have personalized their profiles as well.
Previously, I had sent to their group two interesting links to practise the vocabulary we learned over the previous weeks. There you are:

They have been practising with these exercises (and chatting, of course)

It has been funny!
See you next week

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Instructions for using the computer and joining Edmodo

Hi again!!

In our lesson today, first, we've corrected the activity of parts of the computer, that we started last week.
There have been some difficulties with words like mousepad, power strip, wires or CPU. 

Later, I handed out another sheet of paper with the most employed instructions working with computers: to save as, to attach, to download, to drag...We've been reading and understanding them.

Finally, we've taken our minis and opened the browser, to join a group I´ve created in EDMODO, which is a social network specifically for students and teachers. They have chosen an username and a password, and have joined the group by means of a code I've told in class.

Next week we'll start working with EDMODO.

See you.

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Changing of topic: What is IT?

Hi everybody!!

Today we have had our fifth lesson!! Time runs faster and faster!
Firstly,we have reviewed what we learned last week: definition of technology (congratulations Marcio!) and the stages of technological process. We have put them in order (Congratulations Paula!), and read the description of each one. 
Then, we changed the topic and we started the unit related to IT.
Exactly, we're refering to Information Technologies.
We have brainstormed, saying all the English words the students remembered concerning this topic: computer games (of course!), hardware, software, windows, hard disk, operating system....They have realised that all the words could be classified in two groups (congratulations Paloma!): hardware (or physical objects) and software (programs).
Then I handed out a sheet (be careful with the pronunciation of this word!) of paper with an exercise to increase vocabulary related to parts of the computer, and they have to finish it  for next week (homework!!!)
Thanks Violeta, our photographer today!

And that's all folks!
See you next week.

Pd: oh, I near forgot. Next week I'm going to take your notebooks to make a term-report for your parents . You may use this blog to update them and don't forget to bring them next Tuesday.

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

Stages of technological process

Hi again!!

Today we've started finishing the last week activity. It consisted of a listening with the definition of technology, and students had to complete the sentence. There has been some difficulties with words like "knowledges" or "satisfy". Finally, we've completed the definition altogether. Good work!



 Then, we've played a game called "Running Dictation", related to stages in technological process (Needs, Idea, Idea Development, Construction and Verification). They have made five groups. Each group has received one of the stages. One of the group was the secretary and had to take notes. The others went out to the corridor in turns, to find the description of this stage. These descriptions were hung on the walls. They had to memorize the description (as much as possible) and then they came back to the classroom and dictated to the secretary.

The first group which completed the sentence without any mistake, won the game. But, be careful, if you had mistakes, you could be penalized, so they needed to be sure they were right.

It has been very funny, and finally group number 4 has been the first one to complete the sentences, but they have lost the pole, because they had been penalized, so the champions have been group number one. CONGRATULATIONS!!

And thanks so much to our photographer of the day, of course. Well done, Víctor.

See you next Tuesday!!

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

Trazado de paralelas y perpendiculares a una recta dada

Hola a tod@s

De nuevo, al empezar con el tema de Dibujo técnico, me encuentro con que la mayoría de mis alumnos desconocen para empezar qué es una perpendicular (recta que forma 90º con otra dada), y sobre todo no están familiarizados con cómo trazar tanto paralelas como perpendiculares.

Tras repetir miles de veces en clase y alumno por alumno, me he decidido a aprovechar los inmensos recursos que da la red, e incluiros algún enlace a videos que se pueden encontrar con tutoriales sobre como realizar dicho trazado.

Ser capaces de dominar esta técnica es básico tanto para la realización de dibujos, como posteriormente en el marcado de las piezas del taller.

¡Miradlos las veces que os haga falta, y buen trabajo!